Wednesday 15 July 2015

இசுலாமியத் தமிழர்களின் யாழ் வெளியேற்றம் பற்றி தலைவர் வருத்தம் தெரிவித்த நிகழ்வு

இசுலாமியத் தமிழர்களின் யாழ் வெளியேற்றம் பற்றி தலைவர் வருத்தம் தெரிவித்த நிகழ்வு.

LTTE leader, Pirabaharan's,response in the 1994 BBC interview:

Q: I recently visited a Muslim refugee camp in Puttalam.

Those Muslims who you had required to leave Jaffna said with pain that they had lived in friendship and affection with the people of Jaffna.

They have said that if it is promised that they will be protected, they would like to return to Jaffna.

If a suitable climate prevails, will you agree to allow these Muslims to return to their land?

A: Jaffna is their own land.

Unfortunately, difficult circumstances have rendered these Muslim people refugees.

We very much regret that this has happened.

Today, because of the war situation, 300,000 Tamils are living as refugees in the Jaffna peninsula.

Because the Sri Lanka Army has seized by force Tamil villages and settlements,
particularly in the islands off the Jaffna peninsula and in west Valigamam,
Tamils from these areas have had to leave their homes and become refugees, in their own homeland.

A substantial portion of these displaced Tamils have found asylum in places where Muslims had lived before.

If the Sri Lanka Army evacuates from these Tamil villages which it had seized by force, these displaced Tamils will be able to return to their homes.

If such a suitable climate is established, we will agree to the return of the Muslim people."

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